The Maze Fire Ireland team can offer BC(A)R Ancillary Assigned Certifier services.
Our BC(A)R Ancillary Assigned Certifier services for Part B and M of the Building Regulations, include addressing design queries and reviewing design details during the construction stage, undertaking on-going site inspections during construction and certification of the works upon completion in accordance with Part B and M.
Why do you need BC(A)R Ancillary Assigned Certifier services?
The Irish Building Control System looks to ensure the safety of all people and is based on the Building Control Acts 1990 – 2014. From this there is a set of legal requirements, The Building Regulations 1997-2017, formed for the design and construction of new buildings and alterations and change of use of existing buildings.
In 2014, new laws were implemented under The Building Control Amendments Regulation (BCAR). These laws included the use of a ‘Builder’ to carry out work under the regulations and the use of a competent person or ‘Assigned Certifier’ in conjunction with ‘Ancillary Assigned Certifiers’ to inspect the work to ensure compliance, as well as introducing a Certificate of Compliance upon project completion.
Maze Fire is able to use its expertise and offer the BC(A)R Ancillary Assigned Certifier service. As a Certifier for Parts B and M of the Building Regulations we will co-ordinate the design, inspection and certification of the relevant works from design to completion.